testing testing ......

Carolinegoh 發表在 痞客邦 留言(6) 人氣()

Annabelle is 2 years old in June and I only post up her birthday celebration now   Hope it's not too late 


Carolinegoh 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

Oh No .....!!!  What's that I just saw??!!  


Carolinegoh 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

As Angel gets older, I have stopped tidying after her and asked her to have her share in tidying up around the house for things that she messed up with. My sofa cushion will forever not staying at where they suppose to be just 5 minutes after I put them back. And the toys will never ever stays inside their toy box even when they are not played.

 I also starts asking her to make her own bed and our bed too (although I will probably redo it after her most of the time) just to put her into a habit of making her bed every morning during weekends and also "keep her occupied" while I was busy preparing breakfast in the kitchen.


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Carolinegoh 發表在 痞客邦 留言(8) 人氣()

开痞客邦咯~~~!!眼见很多猫地吗咪都搬进了“痞客邦”这里了,所以不干人后也心痒痒地开了这个户口。呵呵呵呵呵 ~~~  妈咪们,我来咯!!!

我知道是慢了点,但是没办法啊,以为台湾部落格会不一样,但是可惜的是,“痞客邦”在中国大陆还是逃不过给 band 的命运  ,哎哟 。。。。所以只有趁回来时的短短几个星期才能偷偷update一下咯。还见你们多多体谅体谅  (我也不想啊~~~~~~!!!!哭!!!)


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